Thursday 25 February 2016

Gaúchos at the beach / Gaúchos Na Praia

As an Australian traveller I've been disappointing people for years. Generally, within the first few minutes of finding out I'm an Aussie, the majority of people ask me if I surf. The images that most people in other countries see are of sand, surf and sea. Unfortunately for me, I spent the majority of my childhood growing up inland where it was as much as five hours drive to the nearest beach, thus I never learned to surf (a fact which often leaves a disappointed look in the eyes of the person I happen to be talking to).

Copacabana beach is world famous

Brazil suffers from the same “problem”. When you think of Brazil its often Rio de Janeiro and the seemingly endless stretches of beautiful beaches and beautiful people. That is certainly the image I had in my head when I first came to the country.

And then I saw Porto Alegre.

Like I said in my post a few weeks ago, Porto Alegre has many great qualities, geography just isn't one of them.

So what are Gaúchos to do when they want a beach holiday? Well they can go to the coast of the state where there are some really nice beach side towns only a couple of hours drive away from Porto Alegre. These towns tick a few boxes; there are long beaches with plenty of space, nice restaurants and cheap accommodation.

The beaches of Rio Grande do Sul do have some beautiful scenery 

There are some key downsides though, with the key one being that the beaches have no natural protection from the wind. While it is nice to have a nice sea breeze to take the edge off the sun while you're relaxing at the beach, the wind you encounter at the beaches of Rio Grande do Sul is closer to a gale, and thus makes it hard to relax. The water is also less than inviting, being quite cold despite the heat outside and a murky brown colour, probably due to being stirred up by the relentless winds.

So what do the locals do when they want a better beach? They go north to the next state, Santa Catarina.

Embracing the Gaúcho beach lifestyle

All along the coast of the state is dotted with beautiful little beaches, most of which are well protected from the wind by the surrounding hills and headlands. Many of these beaches have beautiful little towns close by that have managed to remain fairly rustic and left alone by major developers, meaning not too many large hotels or apartment towers.

Santa Catarina's capital of Florianópolis, on an island just off the mainland, is surrounded by many of the most well known beaches, frequented by people all of the country – including the rich and famous – and has become one of Brazil's major beach destinations.

Checking out Praia dos Ingleses at Florianópolis

Further south, along the coast are less famous beaches which results in fewer crowds and a more relaxing time.

We were fortunate enough to spend our holiday in the beautiful town of Praia do Rosa. The town is little more than small hotels, bed and breakfasts and some restaurants (as well as a good quantity of hippies and surfers) and makes the perfect place to relax and unwind for a week or two. The beach is never crowded and has a good balance of services at the beach without being too over commercialised.

Praia Vermelha

If you're looking for an even quieter beach, Praia Vermelha, accessible only by a 30 minute walk along the coast from Praia do Rosa, is almost completely deserted and has nobody trying to sell you anything making it completely serene – nothing but the sound of the waves.

If you're looking for some more action, several other beaches are a short drive away. Garopaba is a bigger town just north of Praia do Rosa and has a much larger beach, with all of the services and crowds that go along with that. Close to Garopaba is Praia do Ferrugem, whiich is still crowded, but mainly filled with hippies and surfers, meaning it has a much more relaxed vibe. It also has much better waves for those looking for it.

Among the people selling drinks at Garopaba is Captain Jack Sparrow

Ibiraquera. just south of Praia do Rosa is a quaint little town that is built around the point where a lake meats the ocean providing a good place for stand up paddle boarding or a more relaxed place to swim (or drink beer).

The final significant beach we got to check out was Guarda do Embaú. To get to the beach you need to pay one of the locals to ferry you across the small lake in a small boat (basically a gondola). Once at the beach you're greeted with some great waves and lots of people. The waves bring a lot of swimmers and surfers to the water so it can get crowded, but it's certainly a great place to spend an afternoon.

Getting the boat across the lake to the beach at Guarda do Embaú

So while it takes an extra few hours to drive to the beaches of Santa Catarina, I can certainly see why so many people here decide to go the extra miles.

Finally, five random thoughts on Gaúchos going to the beach

Food is different
In Australia, aside from some Fish and Chips, there really wouldn't be any food I would consider very typical of a beach day. Here, while seafood is featured in many restaurants, the food you eat at the beach is typically more finger food – and usually sold to you by guys walking up and down the beach. It ranges from things like corn on the cob, cashews and fried cheese. Depending on the wind, you'll often smell the cheese guy before you see or hear him.

Seafood risotto at Urucum

While not often sold on the actual beaches, crepes, stuffed with everything from nutella to prawns and served on a stick are sold in all of the beach side towns.

Away from the beach, Praia do Rosa has some great restaurants including Tigre Asiatico which serves some very nice Thai and other Asian food, and Urucum, which specialises in seafood with a heavy influence from North Eastern Brazil. 

Drinks are Different
Many beaches in Australia prohibit you from drinking alcohol while soaking up the sun. In Brazil there are no such restrictions. You can bring your own drinks or buy from the local stands or even guys carting an esky around. It's certainly a part of Brazilian life I am adjusting well to.

I Love Brazil's liberal public drinking laws

Something I didn't think I'd enjoy but absolutely have is drinking chimarrão at the beach. As a hot drink you'd think it'd be the last thing you want while sitting in the sun, but I joined in on the ritual and loved it. Sharing some chimarrão as you arrive at the beach adds to the relaxing vibe and was something I looked forward to every day.

Clothing is different
Brazilians wear less clothes at the beach – and not just the women. The stereotype of Brazilian women wearing tiny bikinis certainly held true, but what I didn't realise was that many Brazilian men also like to wear as little as possible. I never thought of myself as a prude, but wearing my board shorts I quite often felt like people bathing at beaches 100 years ago wearing their head to toe swimming costumes. That won't be changing. No, there is no photo for this section.

Argentinians love Santa Catarina too
It isn't just Gaúchos who love the beaches of Santa Catarina, which becomes very obvious when you're surrounded by Spanish speakers. For Argentinians to get to the beaches they need to drive a a full day which shows their commitment to enjoying a great beach vacation.

People surfing close to shore at Guarda do Embaú

I still cant surf

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